November, 2008

Snow Day!

It snowed so much Thanksgiving night that no one went to work today! Lucky for me I’m in the IT industry and so could at least partially work from home.  This is the view out our kitchen window; the first one on the left ws taken at 8AM, the other two after lunch.

Some Favorite Entries

I was browsing the archives and came across some of my favorite entries.  After all these years, things tend to get lost in the stacks, so I thought I’d reshare these with you:

Do you have a favorite entry that’s not on my list?  Let me know!



Cows & Hoses

On Sunday I decided to take out the porous hose we installed in the garden this summer.  I need to re-till the whole plot before winter sets in and the hose was only going to be in the way. I think I may have mentioned before that the garden isn’t actually on a flat piece of land, but a slope.  It’s been raining for the last couple of weeks, so the entire field was good and muddy.  Things went pretty well until I reached the steeper part of our plot and whoooooooooooosh, I totally fell flat on my face and slid down the rest of the hill. Hahaha.  (For those of you familiar with Anne of Green Gables – remember the scene where Anne & Diana chase the Jersey cow out of Rachel Lind’s potato field?  This was pretty much the same deal.)  My neighbor, who was gardening at the time got a good laugh anyways.

The Last Garden Harvest of 2008

Explore my garden’s last harvest. Can you guess what these photos are by their thumbnail?
Click on the images to enlarge. Use arrow keys to go forward and backward. Open more than one photo at a time and move them around where ever you want!

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The last things my garden produced this year

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Decorative Squash from the garden

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My biggest pumpkins. The one on the right weighed in at 25 kilos (50 pounds) the one on the left was 11 kilos (24 1/4 pounds). The yellow things that look like squash are actually zucchini that I left out in the sun for a really long time.

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Me & the pumpkins

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This zucchini is taller than our outdoor grill!

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The last zinnia of the year

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More decorative pumpkins and the last of the basil

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I made a humungo wreath with a viney weed that was taking over the garden and gave it a little color with the dried out hot peppers that we didn’t use.

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The harvest