and i am off….

hey ladies,
just wanted to say hello before i soon depart to the intellectual land of boston. went to orientation on wednesday. (the 2nd time i had ever been to boston). mi god the T-train is sooo clean. all you see are students everywhere!! northeastern’s campus is really pretty and so freaking huge. (excellent for someone like me with NO sense of direction). there are about 25 people in my program. quite a few were snobby ivy league girls, but luckily the rest were pretty nice and from all over (texas, bolivia, montreal, chicago, syracuse). i even got a chance to see my apt and briefly meet one of my aptmates. OH MI GOD my apt is soooooo cute. the building is a 5 floor brownstone. my apt is on the 4th floor. (moving in is going to be sooo fun!!) each floor only has one apt, so meeting people shouldnt be that hard. the living room is HUGE with beautiful large windows. the kitchen has a microwave, dishwasher, and huge refrigerator. beautiful marble black tiles in the bathroom with track lighting everywhere!! you guys sooo have to see how cute. my bedroom is a pretty decent size. it will be nice not having to share a bedroom with ANYONE!! i cant believe next week at this time i’ll be back in class. any helpful advice, caitlin?
hugs and kisses to all!! 🙂

This entry was posted on Friday, September 5th, 2003 at 3:54 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “and i am off….”

  • Shira [ 06Sep03]

    WHOA! Your new apt. sounds totally hot Frannie! How many other people will live with you? You’ll have to put pictures up when you get a chance! I visited that school when I was looking at colleges the first time around and remember what a beautiful campus it is–you are going to have soo much fun there!! how exciting!! 🙂 Good luck with your move–hope everything goes well and that you meet lots of gorgeous new interesting men ( i mean people…) wink wink. 🙂 Love ya and miss you!! ttys ~Sheesh