Old Pic


I’m going to town with our new scanner this week.  This is one of my favorite pictures from college, but unfortunately got semi-ruined somehow…(I think when I was cleaning the frame with window cleaner one day).  Does anyone have the original in digital form that they can send me??  I think there’s another version too, perhaps with me and one arm in the air like an orangatang.  I totally cannot believe we wore those homemade scarves in public, Caitlin.  (Hotness)

Posted by Shira on May 29th, 2008 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

Binghamton Beer Crawl 2003

binghamton_beercrawl.jpgOkay, brace yourselves.  Picking another one out of the archives: Remember this night?  I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my life…okay, besides the time I broke up with my first true love and the time I forged my Mom’s name on a bad math progress report. 

What emotion!

Other than the crying, I really don’t remember a whole lot about that night, do you guys…who bought the colored hair thingies?  I do remember losing mine at some point during the night.  They were those metallic snap on bracelets that if you snapped on too hard, you ended up hurting yourself.

And I remember that I refused to buy a beer mug for $5…I hate beer (and besides, wasn’t that a scandalous price for a plastic cup?!). 

I remember being on a bridge at some point and drinking out of a fish bowl filled with some brightly colored beverage…

And maybe a taxi…

Posted by Shira on May 27th, 2008 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

One Year Later :)

I can’t believe it has been one year since we were in Aruba!! We need to go back like right now!! I will gladly throw back on the dress and repeat the vows if you all need an excuse! But really I think getting a good tan (or sunburn in some Caitlin cases) is a good enough excuse!

Things in Chicago are pretty good. To celebrate the ol one year anniversary we are going to a fancy resort in Wisconsin (so not as nice as Aruba)..my parents got us a gift certificate for xmas..i convinced Sam into getting the “ultimate romance package” which consists of bathrobes you get to keep, champagne, breakfasts in bed, dinners in your room, and i would have to assume some sort of chocolate somewhere in the mix…so we are looking forward to that for sure..

And then in a couple more weeks we are off to Boston for my sister’s baby christening..we are the godparents so here is hoping we don’t drop the little bugger.

Work is going good..i only have 1 1/2 more months as an intern so I am very excited about that..next year i don’t have quite as much call so it should be better. and i get the tinest raise imaginable but it’s still a raise!

Guess that is about it for me. I miss you girls all tons and feel we should definetly get together soon! A year apart is just too long!! Besides we need to throw Dawn a bacherolette party…but I would suggest no tequila shot then beer chugging contests..especially if she has somewhere to be the next day 😉

Posted by caitjk on May 12th, 2008 | Uncategorized | 5 Comments »