
hey ladies,

sorry havent written in a while. as usual have been buried under piles of books and papers. you would think they would give me my degree after a year of coursework. i think thats more than enough, but noooo they want me to take 3 years of coursework and then write a dissertation to add to the development of scientific knowledge. blah! blah! blah!

everything else is going great. ari and i are almost hitting 5 months together!!! i definately have a bad crush on him. this weekend he leaves for a 2 week vacation to israel. and then a 6 week conference/class in washington dc. so thats 2 whole months he will be gone. but my spring break is coming up, so i will be able to visit him in dc. and he promised to come home for a weekend in may, so it wont be too bad. plus, i have a million deadlines in the month of may….so its probably a good thing he wont be around to distract me?!?! (ill just keep telling myself that.) i have NO idea how you ladies did the long distance thing for so long. lots of cold showers?!?!

so yea….thats me in a nutshell. school, work, and the cute boyfriend. 🙂

glad everyone is doing well. caitlin/sam’s destination wedding – may 2007! woo hoo!! gonna start saving up the pennies now.


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