New Traffic Patterns

shira_red.jpgNevada is all about medians. I’ve been hating them in silence for the past three and a half weeks (I can’t believe I’ve been here for a whole month already!!), but after inadvertantly driving over one this morning, I decided it was time to share my aggravation with the world. MEDIANS ARE SO STUPID. They just prevent you from going where you need to go and waste precious time. What purpose do they serve?? Are they really necessary? I think not. If I was an urban planner, roadways would be vastly different. For now, I’m honing my U-turn-on-the-fly skills and getting very friendly with my Las Vegas city map.

I got my first paycheck today! Woohoo! �Qu� excitante! Can I tell you how much I love overtime? I was so excited my hair changed color–as visualized in this picture. HAHA! Just kidding, this is from one of my identity crisis phases in college. Unfortunately, it turns out I’m allergic to red dye, so for the two weeks following the color transformation my head was swollen and itchy and my face was all red. Really a great time. Just goes to show you the true face of vanity.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie · June 10, 2004

    Medians are also popular in North Carolina. I suppose you get used to them after awhile! They also have a ton of them here in Poughkeepsie – but you AREN’T allowed to u-turn around them ! What-ever. So you have to turn left into whatever shopping plaza or road and turn around there. SO ridiculous.
    Do they at least make the medians decorative? It’s nice when there are trees and stuff in them! 🙂