Fairytale Pumpkins

fairytale.jpgThe Fairytale pumpkin. SO HOT!!! THE hottest pumpkin of the season, if you ask me. These pumpkins have loads of character, charm, and color innuendos. They look magical! Definitely my new favorite pumpkin.

Climb every mountain, fjord every stream

bwpump.jpgI’m celebrating (quietly, at home, alone–lol) tonight! Tomorrow marks the start of consistent shifts for me at Bouchon! Woohooo!!! Graveyard, baby yeah! I’ve been feeling like an upside down pineapple cake lately…starting at 8am one day and 9pm the next…never knowing if I’m coming or going or what’s going on. It’s a good thing everyone else has a handle on what’s happening in my life…

I just got a voicemail from the bakery (the guys at night like to listen to the radio to make things go by a little more quickly. Rock and roll and work with dough. Hahaha. Okay, sorry that was a bad one. Anyways, their favorite show is John Tesh: the radio host who offers intelligent facts about life, things you always wanted to know, tips for improvement…the 411 so your life doesn’t become a 911. Get the picture? He also plays cheesie 80s music for hours on end, so that’s another bonus). Anyways, apparently they’re listening to good old Johnny boy tonight because they called and left me a message that Tesh is sharing tips for first dates, and suggested that I turn on the radio straight away. Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny boys, very funny! (Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? It’s dripping like cold lavendar honey).

I know what they mean though; I feel like I’ve been on a million first dates in the past five months! In reality, the actual number is a little bit lower, but the pressure that comes with first dates–Ay, Dios Mio! Is there a more uncomfortable or awkward experience? (Okay, so I can think of a few, but first dates are definitely in the top ten). Even if you purposely work at easing the tension and share every joke you know (Why do cows wear bells? ……Because their horns don’t work!! HAAAAA!)–nothing seems to help. Anyways, at this point in my life I feel like dating is just not worth it! (Though I have had a couple good first dates and I suppose if I really found a kindred spirit I wouldn’t banish him to the end of the earth, but how far from Las Vegas could the end of the earth possibly be? I’m thinking max five miles, so the banishment would be wasted!) I’m sure this is just a temporary phase I’m going through…but until I’ve worked through it, could all you guys out there just leave me alone? Thaaaaaanks!

Perhaps I’m being overly dramatic. But, No. I really don’t think so. You should try being a woman in the restaurant industry for a week. I’m not complaining, I’m just stating that in any other industry, the constant flirtation, inuendo, and sexual commentary bordering on harrassment would not be tolerated. The HR department at Bouchon goes to great lengths to discourage and protect against any sort of harrassment, but a certain amount is built into kitchen culture. I appreciate this fact, was aware of it coming into this profession, and am a lot tougher now because of it. I’m just a little bit sick of being pestered all the time. The workplace is not a singles bar. Hellow.

Seriously, the next culprit is as good as on a plane to Patagonia.

Carrie’s Photo Documentation of Las Vegas

hats.jpgOh Lord. So, you know how Carrie came to visit Las Vegaaaaahhhs a couple of weeks ago? Well, you’re all in luck because she has posted Official Pictoral Documentation of our visit here in Sin City (which means that I don’t have to do it: DING!). Unfortunately while partying it up Sin City Style, Shanunu experienced a minor case of amnesia and neglected to document our jungle goddess experience during which we were chased by a bloodthirsty dragon, but if I shared all the details I’d have to… well you know how it goes (and I think it’s best to avoid any more bloodshed).

She did however go into detail about our journey into Nature and also mentioned the discovery of our new favorite thrift store! For complete coverage of Carrie’s trip to Las Vegas, go here. I have to say, the teal prom dress (which you’ll see if you go to the aforementioned photo gallery) definitely competes with the other 80’s style prom dresses we found a few years ago. You’ll have to decide for yourself which ones you like better! Beware travellers, as it’s obvious that hereto forward, the motto “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” no longer rings true…

Shredded Wheat vs. Shredded Cardboard

I recently did a taste test between name brand Shredded Wheat and store brand shredded wheat, and let me just tell you: there is no comparison. Store brand shredded wheat (we’re talking the basic wheat cereal here–no sugary frosting or chocolate chip filling) is impure refuse. I, for one, am against buying name brand products, but after choking down a whole box of the alternative shredded wheat, I can assure you that I will never again purchase that low quality fascimile. The texture and taste are just not there! Shoppers be warned!

UPDATE!! I found a NEW Organic Shredded Wheat at Trader Joe’s yesterday, and OH MY GOODNESS. It definitely outranks all other shredded wheat! It’s called Autumn Harvest and it’s made by Kashi. They use evaporated organic cane sugar to sweeten the wheat ever so slightly. It’s just heaven in a bowl. The texture is beautiful…crunchy, loose strands of wheat. My new favorite cereal.


leroy_logo.jpgHomecoming pictures from my trip to LeRoy in August are now available for your viewing pleasure on Hotshots!

In other news, I’m extremely excited about Christmas (I get to go home for a WHOLE WEEK!!). On the other hand, I’m very disappointed that the Bills‘ game yesterday was not televised (at least not on my tv), as that’s the only thing I watch on tv all week (in addition to the occasional episode of The Surreal Life and the news).

Have any of you seen The Surreal Life? I usually loathe reality tv, this one is so ridiculous and the cast so outrageous that it’s (surprisingly) enjoyable to watch. Flavor Flav cracks me up so much, and Brigitte Nielson (Sylvestor Stallone’s ex-wife) has absolutely NO boundaries! Anyways, definitely an entertaining program.

Miracles of the Mojave

grafitti_sneaks.jpgHave you ever played volleyball barefoot? Depending on the court, it can be a very pleasant experience. When Phoebe and I were in Cancun we participated in a few rounds of Jungle Volleyball on the white sands of Mexico (the Carribean waves lapping at our ankles). That’s what I call Ultimate Volleyball. Here in Vegas, the sand is not quite as refined as it was on that beach in Mexico. Though it is true desert sand, its texture is that of cat box litter. How did I become so familiar with the kitty litter texture of the Mohave sand, you ask? Here’s how it happened…

Last Friday Carrie and I were on our way to Picnic in the Park for a little volleyball action. Running on Shira Time (late as usual), we rushed to pack up the car and hit the road in a frenzy of excitement (the excitement mostly due to the fact that we were going to check out a new tapas restaurant, Firefly, later that night). When we got to the park I realized that I had neglected to remove my sneakers from the hood of the car and place them safely inside. After an extensive search of the hood I succumbed to the realization that the desert night had swallowed them up, to be worn nevermore. *dramatic sigh* And so I played barefoot that night, rather than ruin a second pair of shoes (my favorite red slip-ons) in the Mojave.

Two days later I was driving down Windmill Rd., about a mile from my house, when I spotted something suspicious. Could it be…? A pair of sneakers lying half in/ half out of the median!! After a quick drive by I pulled a U-y, parked illegally on the sidewalk, dashed across four lanes of swiftly moving traffic and (ba da duuuummm) RESCUED my SNEAKERS!!!! It was a miracle! It was a miracle in the Mojave Desert. I couldn’t believe it. Happy Tears streaming down my face, I clasped my beloved sneaks to my bosom and promised that I would never leave them on the roof again. Then, raising them high above my head, I did the Rocky Triumphs The Big Stairs Champion Dance all the way back to the illegally-parked car. It was a joyous day.

Luckily for me, the shoes were unscathed besides a little minor graffiti (shown above) and some mis-shapenness from an apparent encounter with an eighteen wheeler. I even found one of the socks I had shoved inside still there! We can only imagine what an eventful few nights on the streets of Las Vegas it must have been for those shoes. If only they could talk…

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