
I’m making a concerted effort to update the photo gallery this week, since even Dad even complained about it recently. I know I’ve been slacking, but lack of internet access seriously cuts down on Hotshot improvements. Why don’t you read this while you’re waiting…


  1. Shira · March 2, 2004

    Do you think we could have put a few more pictures of Shira in that web page? geez. I remember writing the article, I photographed everyone I knew modeling motifa-fashion, but there still isn’t enough variety, I feel.

    So all of you who are reading this right should take pictures of yourselves (and your friends!) wearing the hot motifa scrapalicious outfits and submit them! I can’t wait to see your creations!!

  2. Carrie · March 2, 2004

    I just had a tragic overture, my photo management software freaked out!! I suppose I should actually buy a legal copy. *Sigh!* The SF adventure pictures will be slightly delayed!!! I do eagerly await your pictures!! Did you see I put up a bunch a few weeks ago? It IS an enormous pain to keep organized, no?

    And *maybe* I’ll try some scrapalicious soon. I’m somewhat worried about the indecent exposure part, though!! lol šŸ™‚

  3. Shira · March 4, 2004

    Check out hotshots for a new album with pictures from summer on the lake!