Interesting Yogurt Flavors
Perhaps you’ve noticed that a few yogurt brands are branching out and developing innovative new flavors. Yomo is one of the highest quality yogurt brands here in Italy and they have quite an array of new flavors, including:
Strawberry Tomato – the mineral salts & vitamin C in strawberries (11.6% of the final product) and the “oligoelementi” & vitamins in tomatoes (5%) combine for a really red yogurt. I noticed that they use concentrated beet juice to give the yogurt an extra rosy color!
Spinach Apple – Iron & soluble fiber, baby yeah!
Mango Pumpkin – Rich in vitamins A, E, potassium, calcium, phosferous & magnesium.
Pineapple Fennel – Pineapple has detoxifying properties and fennel improves digestion and can even lower cholesterol.
Carrot Blueberry – Blueberries help the body’s microcirculation and improve vision, while carrots provide anti-aging elements and help repair damaged skin tissues.
Those sound interesting…. the closest we get here is a paleta shop that sells crazy flavors (in the summer they even have a “tomato basil” popsicle). It’s definitely addictive.