Winter Refresher

Ground control to Major Tom. Less than two weeks until departure. Commence with packing, race is on. If you haven’t checked out Toothsome lately, you’d better do so.

I’ve been working a lot the last couple of weeks–reworking the dessert menu at the Rio. Getting home late and going for short jogs with the dog. It’s very cool outside in LeRoy right now. We have sooo much snow, and between the plows and people shoveling, the snow’s in drifts of six feet in some places! Hotness. I love it, and don’t even mind having to clean the driveway and front steps every morning. It’s so brisk and refreshing outside. When Minnie and I cruise the town around midnight, there’s nobody awake. I feel this is the optimal time to enjoy a new snowfall–before everyone else messes it up with footprints. The snow silences everything–even the traffic on Main Street! (And at twelve o’clock on weeknights, let me tell you, LeRoy is bustling with traffic). The thing I love the best aobut this winter is that if you walk for a while your cheeks get so cold that snowflakes landing on your nose don’t even melt! It’s sparkly and magical. Minnie and I feel like snow princesses.

But that snow princess glow is gone in the morning when it’s time to get in the shower. Oh Lord, that’s the worst (okay, okay I can think of several things that are eight million times worse than standing naked on an ice-cold tile floor waiting for the water to heat up, but I think you’ll agree that early morning frigidity is not a great feeling).

I’m going to make a big fat snow angel tomorrow.

During the midnight walk, not the morning shower…


  1. Carrie · March 4, 2005

    I’m going to have to disagree with you on the whole liking cold weather thing.. It’s been like 30 here in the morning the past couple days and it is highly unpleasant. lol. But I am glad to hear that you and Minnie Mae are having some bonding time, even among the busy LeRoy nightlife.

  2. Shira · March 4, 2005

    Cold in the AM sucks–I totally agree about that! But at night it’s not so bad, I guess partly because you know you can snuggle under the comforter in the near future. Minnie and are doing some serious last-minute bonding. I wonder if I can taker her with me…?