Better Than Ever

Have you checked out Toothsome Delights recently? You should!


  1. Carrie · November 20, 2004

    Wow, you are posting like crazy! I am watching the Raleigh christmas parade on TV (Yes, very curious because it’s not even Thanksgiving yet), and it makes me miss our marching band days! Especially thing big feathery plume things. So hot.

  2. Shira · November 21, 2004

    I miss marching band soo freaking much. It’s rather ridiculous. I miss the drumline a lot. Remember the feeling when they started the cadence at the beginning of a big parade?!!? OH THE ADRENALINE!!! And floating down the street on the wings of music…hahahah okay okay. Free hot dogs after the Memorial day parade! Cumberbuns and ruffles!! Perfect posture!! Gosh, that was just so much fun. Maybe we should start one woman marching bands in Cary and Vegas. We can coordinate and march down streets with the same name by ourselves (but together in spirit)!