PT’s Pub

Pubs, bars, saloons, taverns, lounges: there are sundry names for your basic drinking establishment. Whatever you call them, these pillars of society are recognized nationwide for the refuge and refreshment they offer in every hamlet around the globe — and as you might imagine, they’re extremely popular here in what may very well be the drinking capital of the world: Sin City. Here’s a picture of some Bouchon employees and former employees on our most recent excursion to one such establishment (three weeks ago…we really need to get out more).

[Picture detail from left to right: Ria, Cindy, Matt, Seth, Shira, Guillaume.]

1 Comment

  1. Carrie · November 11, 2004

    Ah, da pub! We only have about a billion of those here too. (though only a few that Oak approves the beer selections of)

    I was wondering how you had 2 different colored legs, and since when you owned striped track pants, but then I realized that was Cindy’s leg. I need more sleep. 🙂

    Do you guys still play the weekly volleyball game?? It’s getting a tad too cold here for outdoor activities any more!