
Voter registration deadlines are fast approaching (in fact, in most states the deadline is tomorrow!) You’ve still got time if you act quickly, so let the molten move you (to the post office and mail your registration today)!

I have so much updating to do, I don’t even know where to start!

About a month ago a few loyal Bouchon employees started what has become a Las Vegas tradition: Picnic In The Park Fridays. We eat, drink, bond, and demonstrate althetic prowess on an asundry number of sporting fields. The first picnic was a raging success; homemade Spinach and Chicken Calzones and boxed brownies (a cardinal sin since 75% of those involved in the picnic were pastry cooks, but when you need chocolate fast you NEED chocolate fast!) transformed the night into an impromptu feast. Tasty beverages, disc golf and bonding with a few local homeless guys (apparently we were using the table they live on) contributed to an especially memorable evening. I feel the homeless guys made out as they ended up with the extra brownies and brewskies. The tradition has evolved since that first evening…we have a new favorite park that features electrically-lit beach volleyball courts, covered picnic tables, and fewer table-dwellers, but the original holiday spirit is still the same.

In other news, I recently got new brakes! Woohoo! Beatrice glides down the highway like a 1952 caddy now, thanks to her new ceramic brake pads. (I think it helps that I’ve been practicing the downshift too…)

For those of you out there eagerly awaiting your next installment of goodies from Pastry of the Month Club, I regret to inform you that the club has undergone some administrative changes and will hereto forth be known as the Random Acts of Pastry Club. Sorry for any inconvenience, but look forward to a mouthwatering Halloween installment!

sydney_pumpkins.jpgSpeaking of Halloween, Sydney recently spent some time preparing for her first All Hallows’ Eve by communing with a field of pumpkins. She has six new teeth with which to eat all that great trick-or-treating candy (though I feel she may have to wait a few years before gaining a true appreciation for candy corn and Mars bars).


  1. Carrie · October 1, 2004

    Oooo, a Halloween motifa! Look at both of us, mixin’ it up, mixin’ it up! This website would match loverly with that pumpkin dress from Opportunity Village, don’t you agree??

    Speaking of opportunity, I downloaded the pictures from my camera yesterday, and hoo-ha, they are attractive!

    My photo album generator thing died though so I made a PDF of them, I’ll send the URL.. I feel these fotos might need some TLC before made available to the public. lol. 🙂


  2. Carrie · October 4, 2004

    PS Since when are you into politics? Is this left over passion from Miss Shapp’s 11th grade American History and Government class?? If they gave us hot shoes for voting, I’d definitely consider it. 🙂

  3. Shira · October 4, 2004

    HAhahaa. Shoes for voting that would be an extra-special incentive. I know I’ve never really been into politics, but I feel it’s time for a change. This is the first presidential election that we can vote in! Muy importante, no?