Certified Sanitor

Maturity does not exclude playfulness

This week has been quite crazy! We had our final exam for Baking 1 today, and have our first lab practical tomorrow. Eeeks! 🙂 I’m sure it’ll go fine! Also learned that we all passed the serv-safe course! Whoohoo! I got a 99, the second-highest grade in the class, which isn’t really saying much because everyone got above an 89 anyways, but I thought that was sort of exciting! I’ll be glad when tomorrow is over…test, work, commute to doctor’s appt…. The B&P girls are going to Ana’s Cantina tomorrow night for karaoke, though! Ding! I’m sure that will be extremely fun, as we will partake of many refreshing libations.

*Interesting tidbit*
Much to the North American caviar conoisseur’s dismay, the FDA prohibits our caviar growers from treating those little eggs with Borax (which is a naturally occuring substance, but is potentially toxic in certain situations). Borax softens the caviar and gives it a creamier texture. In the U.S. we use sea salt instead.