

AIEEE!!! Just got back from my sister’s wedding in Pennsylvania. It was great! This picture certainly does not do either of them justice due to my Photoshop woes. (You see, I scammed a pirated copy of Adobe from some friends and now the serial number has expired–>alas it no longer works. Fiddlesticks. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or perhaps you have a copy of Adobe that you’d like to send to me?? 🙂 That would be Excellent. Anyhow, it’s as good as you’re gonna get until I save up $900 to buy my own version or until some other solution presents itself.

But back to the wedding…it was great fun! Held at the Centre Bridge Inn on the Delaware River, we were fortunate enough to enjoy our own private ride on a barge-pulled-by-mules! What fun! I’m not even going to promise you pictures in the near future, because it will be impossible for me to upload new photos until mid-August. (TRAGICAL!!!! I just made four beautiful pages, but there’s no way to upload them at the library!! Can we say “frustration?!?!” I think we can).

September Shoes

shoes.jpgI went home for a day this week and it was SO nice and cozy and warm and fuzzy. Sometimes it’s just nice to be in a safe familiar place, isn’t it? Mom and I went to Rochester to see September Shoes at Geva Theater. It was aurally stimulating. I have to say that the plot wasn’t all that exciting, but the scenery and music and visual presentation was excellent! It was nice to go to a fine arts production after not having been to one in quite a while.

Still raining here. Flood watch today!


squirt.gifJackie and I went to Pen Yan last night to see Finding Nemo–the new Disney movie that’s in theaters right now. It was so good!! It reminded me of The Little Mermaid a bit because all of the characters had very distinctive accents and because it was set under water. hee hee! The moving pictures were beautiful! The movie was made using Pixar, which is a special computer animation process that creates the actual images and things you see. It’s quite interesting! Pixar also created Toy Story and A Bug’s Life, but interestingly, I didn’t think that these movies looked at all alike! I guess that’s one of the nice features about being able to computer generate original artwork–it can look completely different with each movie! Anyways, Nemo was a great movie and I highly recommend it!

I’m heading home for a night on Tuesday to pick up mail, do laundry, and visit the fam and the house. It’s good to get a change of scenery every so often, don’t you think? Also, I have made a new resolution to “get out more” and see the fingerlakes area. Planned trips thus far include: Pen Yan Farmer’s Market and a day-long hike on The Fingerlakes Trail.

Yoga fleas

yoga.bmpI think that the weather here in Hammondsport has set a new record. It feels like it’s been raining every day for the past two weeks!! AIEEE!! When will it end!?!?!

I joined a great yoga class today! Woot! It’s an hour and a half long twice a week–our instructor is extremely good at leading meditations. Today she was talking about something like the sky is your mind… and I totally related to what she was saying on some other level of consciousness. That will be a nice relaxing treat I feel!

Minnie Mae got freaking fleas two days ago. AGHIAHGIAHGIAGHIA!!! Have you ever heard that James Taylor song about the flea? Well, that is EXACTLY how we are feeling right now. Today I went on a “kill the fleas” mission and bathed her, sprayed her (while ‘fluffing’ her hair as the bottle reads), thoroughly vaccuumed the entire house and every surface she has ever slept on, and sprayed the entire place with Flea killer stuff (which also guarantees that it kills spiders and roaches: Can we say DING!). Then, I sprayed all the laundry, removed all sheets and blankets, washed them out…bler bler bler….what a freaking pain, but sooooo worth it. Those little guys better be GONE within 2 hours because we are both sick to death of itching! GROSS!

The apartment hunt continues–if you know of a place near St. Helena, CA that needs occupation, drop me a line, yo!

Summertime and the livin’s easy

OH MY GAWD! I discovered THE ABSOLUTE BEST Salvation Army today. It’s freaking amazing, yo!!! It doesn’t even compare to the other Salvation Armies Carrie and I visited in Troy and Albany!!! I went on a serious shopping spree and spent about $30 for an entire new wardrobe practically! While perusing the racks I came across a great country western line dancing skirt–dude, it must have weighed about 15 pounds!! AND THE TWIRL! I wish I had brought a camera crew so that you could see how that skirt twirled! It was so great! Among the items I actually purchased are a sexy black “going out” shirt, a real vintage Army shirt (it actually has the ARMY tag still on it!!), A guy’s light blue button down, the FUNNEST HOTTEST dress I think I’ve ever owned: it’s a light blue-ish green with white polka dots and looks like a 20’s flapper dress kind of…hard to explain, but it’s extremely hot, a pair of jean shorts (because I have exactly NO pairs of shorts that are not black spandex :-P)….. and a top-of-the-line designer name white slip dress with an exotic flower embroided on one shoulder. This one is actually 3 sizes too big, but I’m going to ask my friend, who is also a fashion designer, to alter it for me. Ding! All in all, it was a very very VERY exciting trip. I must have tried on 40 different things! AIIEEEE!!!

In other news, work is going well! I finally feel like I’m back in the swing of things after the semester away. Business hasn’t actually gotten busy yet, but we’re all hopeful that next weekend will bring the start of the summer season. I’m staying at The Rock again with Minnie Mae. Working lots of hours–besides being Luch Chef six-seven days a week I’m hostessing 3-4 nights after that. It’s lots of fun!

I’m so excited for Napa!! I can’t believe that I haven’t even had time to put up the pics from our trip there in March yet! Ahgaigha. Sorry ’bout that guys. I don’t have an internet connection this summer, so I guess you won’t be seeing those until I actually get to California! I also have yet to post real pics of the last parties we had at school, Spring break in North Carolina, Aunt Joan’s wedding, and several other highly exciting events. If I even had a real phone at the place I’m staying this summer, I totally could put those babies up, but alas. I guess the suspense of waiting for another few months will just make them all that more exciting when you do actually get to see them, right?

Just to let you know why I’m not posting as often as usual–it’s that the library is usually open only during the time when I’m at work, so it’s not that I don’t love ya’ll, just that the public computer acess at my fingertips is quite limited. Hope you’re all having a great summer!!

Get This Summer Started

Yesterday was the big family graduation party at the Rock! Woohooo! It was so much fun (except for the part when Seth flipped the 4-wheeler and tumbled down a 40 foot cliff into the road, requiring a quick trip to the hospital– where doctors declared that he had a concusion and a sprained wrist). He’s doing quite a bit better today though, so that’s good! 🙂 I didn’t take any pictures at all, but I might have a few other peoples’ to share eventually. The weather was beautiful and it was so much fun having everyone together for good food and wine and fun! Thanks for all the wonderful presents!!

I’m starting work at the Three Birds on Wednesday morning–woot woot! I’ve missed being busy and consumed with hard manual labor this semester, and am very much looking forward to getting back into the swing of the restaurant life! There are a few new menu items and many exciting changes on the line–I’m sure it’s going to be an excellent summer!

Joe is in New Mexico for the summer working at Sandia National Laboratories!! Although I miss him desperately, it sounds like Mother Nature is just welcoming him with open arms. In fact, several road runners have spoken to him already! Did you know that those are actually real birds? (And that they actually talk?!?!) I always assumed that they were just some strange species Looney Tunes invented! ?!?!?!?! I feel I might have to go visit to see one of these little babies in person before I can believe this strange new truth. 😉

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