News Alert: A new photo gallery page is now available for your enjoyment! This page features updated pictures of The Rock from this past summer (Summer 2002). The format of this page is a little different from the others. There are three index pages that have thumbnails of all the pictures. If you click on any of these, the page will take you to a larger version of that picture. From here you can continue the slideshow of large images. It’s really not hard to figure out, just thought I’d give you a heads up!

Spring Break is coming up! YAHOOIE!! I can’t wait to go home and see Mom, Dad, Seth and Ben. Then, from Saturday until Thursday, Uncle Gerry and Aunt Brenda are taking me on a tour of the Napa Valley! We’re going to be hitting up some wineries (I know we’re going to Schramsberg, not sure about the others yet…), visiting a restaurant or two, checking out the Greystone Campus of the Culinary Institute of America, and doing lots more fun things I’m sure!! I can’t wait! PLUS, as if that wasn’t enough, it’s going to NOT BE SNOWING there! Can you imagine?!?! Stay tuned for complete Spring Break coverage upon my return!

Caitlin and I made some hot shirts for our evening out on the town on Saturday night. I forgot to take pictures of these most recent endeavors in fashion, but here are pictures from the last time Carrie, Laura and I made Revamped Shirts, as well as instructions on how to make them.

UPDATE on the Cutest Pet Ever Contest!! Awards will be announced by midnight tonight!! If you entered a pet, be sure to send me your mailing address if I don’t have it already!


Dawn, Caitlin, Luis, and I went skiing tonight at Greek Peak Ski Resort in Cortland, NY. It was SO MUCH FUN. I had forgotten how peaceful it is when you’re at the top of a mountain, flying on the lift or speeding down the isolated alpine trail. God, it’s great isn’t it? I bet I could do that every night and not get bored. It was surprising that none of us got seriously injured–we were definitely expecting that someone would end up at the hospital since Dawn and I haven’t skiied in about four years and Luis (who is from the Dominican Republic) has never been! Dawn took a couple of good tumbles (per run) ;-), Caitlin fell once. She claims it was Luis’ fault–she turned around to watch him fall–and tripped over her own skiis. And I fell once when we were standing still at the bottom of the hill talking (so talented). The ski lodge was in pretty rough shape–the kitchen was disgusting–but they did have a live fire in the lounging area, which was a major perk! Aren’t fireplaces great? The smell of wood burning is so comforting I feel.

Imitation, What?

I LOVE Alton Brown’s food network show Good Eats!! It is extremely entertaining! In my personal opinion, he is the most talented celebrity chef on the entire network and his pop culture humor and outlandish foodie pride are hilariously amusing. On his programAlton shares interesting tidbits about WHY food does the things it does, HOW to make it behave for you and even historical information about whatever he is preparing that day. For example, yesterday he was dealing with chocolate and made some awesome fondue. Did you know that fondue was invented during a Medevil Holy War by a soldier who was trying to make his bread less rock-like?! Ding! Plus, the intro to Good Eats has the hottest food graphics EVER! I highly reccomend this show. But beware, it will make you want to cook. I’m going to try out some of his brownie tips tonight (just to see how these tips work in real life, not because I have any desire to actually EAT a brownie).

In other news, stay away from Imitation Cherry Extract. That stuff’s nasty, son. I encountered it for the first time yesterday out of desperation. Let me just tell you that it tastes worse than the worst cough medicine you’ve ever experienced and smells…ugh, the scent is just indescribable. I wish I could put a little scratch, sniff and taste sticker on here so you could all experience it. The stuff is like toxic waste, yo!

I went to visit Carrie & company this weekend and had an exceptionally great time–fabulous fotos to come!!
Jen’s Birthday Celebration is tonight! Stay tuned in for pictures!

Snow for Gourmands

hershey.jpgHoo Ha! Can you believe all this snow? We enjoyed at least a foot of new snow today in Binghamton–on top of what we already had–making for some pretty exciting outdoor excursions!! Some of the girls and I frolicked in the icy precipitation for about an hour–there is a GIGUNDO snow bank in our parking lot that we happily took advantage of. Dawn and Jen introduced me to garbage bag sledding (in which you sit on a large plastic garbage bag that quickly propels you down aforementioned snow bank). We also experimented with rolling down the bank, which proved to be even more fun (if you can believe it!) than the impromptu sledding. When our limbs were too numb to move, we decided to head in for our Snow Sundae mise en place. This is an extremely easy and highly enjoyable winter treat that all of you who are blanketed in snow should try out!

Snow Sundae
1. Fill a cup with CLEAN (and preferably new) snow.
2. Pour several tablespoons of your favorite syrup on top of the snow in the cup. [Traditionally this recipe calls for maple
syrup, but I tried it today with chocolate syrup and liked it even better. I think it would also be excellent with Godiva’s
(or some other brand’s) chocolate liqueur].
3. Mix with spoon (Go ahead: revel in those crazy textures!), and eat!! Yummers!

Bad Girl Anthem

Remember Gloria Gaynor? She wrote that rockin’ song I Will Survive (which hit the top of the list today in 1979–24 years
ago!!). When I learned this exciting news I was reminded of the fiery disco fad that was an integral and defining portion of
our high school years. Yes, it’s true–Carrie and I (and most of our other friends too!) listened the entire Pure Disco
Collection over and over and over and over and over and over again during those important years. We were so influenced
by the disco movement that we had a senior portrait done in disco-ish outfits. HAHAHAHA! In addition, we found self-
instruction records and taught ourselves how to “do the Hustle” with flashy Queen Motifa style. We even performed this
choreographed dance technique at our Senior Ball, and once videotaped ourselves Hustling in unison (you are going to
have to do some serious begging if you want to see photos of that night / live video streaming of The Synchronized Hustlers).
In tribute to this (today-much-unappreciated) musical era, here is a special audio-visual version of I Will Survive
that I think you will all find highly amusing– whether you’re a Disco Lover or not. Happy Dancing!

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