Stupid taxes

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. It has been about 3 weeks since I have returned back to NYC. Living at home hasn’t been as bad as I thought. I think I am just about unpacked and organized. Been working for like 2 weeks and love my job. I am working as a preschool teacher at a Montessori School on the Upper West Side. The kids are so cute. The other day, I had a small hole in my pants, this kid notices it and goes “Your pants are broken”. It is definately interesting seeing the world in a young child’s eyes. If I had a dollar for every “He pushed me” or “She won’t let me play”, I would be a millionare! But…….. I love it, so thats all that matters. What I dont love is having about half my paycheck go to taxes!! Why the heck do I have to pay social security NOW?!?! It is so cool……..Judge Judy’s grandson is in my class. She actually came to pick him up the other day. I think thats one of the few famous people I have met in my life. I have got this job until the end of the summer, so will have to be saving EVERY penny until I find out what I am doing with my life. What I would do right now to turn back the clock a few years to when we were all chilling in Bingoland! I know the best reunion…………a Thursday night at the RAT!! 🙂 There are some poles waiting with our names on it!! Speaking of poles…….there better be some pole dancing when Caitlin K. hits NYC at the end of the month. Funny thing….I was walking home from work and ran into Sam. Small world! Well thats about all! Good luck everyone. XOXOXOX

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 15th, 2004 at 7:10 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Stupid taxes”

  • Shira [ 15Jul04]

    Congrats on the new job, Franny! Glad to hear you’re enjoying it!! Speaking of poles with our names on them, I bet the Rat has turned our Thurs. night poles into a shrine of some sort–they must have at least spray painted them gold and written our names on them by now! That does sound like the perfect bingo reunion!