Hi everyone!!!! I would just like to start off by mentioning how very much I miss you all!!! My sister may be out from California around the 19th of August but I hope that I can ditch her and get to see you all. She’s doing well out there, by the way. She may be an imagineer for disney soon and if she gets the job she gets all kinds of disney perks that I will certainly share with all you girls. I am still at Barnes and Noble…doing well though. I’m hoping that I get the next assistant manager position that opens up. It’s looking pretty good. What else, what else? There’s a guy. Some of you may have met him actually. It’s my sister’s best friend from high school, Rob, that went to Binghamton. I’ve been up to visit him a couple times so not only did i get to see the campus, but he lives in hayes…so I got to see that as well. Campus is pretty much the same, save a few finished buildings. Hayes is exactly the same. Anyway, he’s coming home for good tomorrow, so i’m excited. We’re kind of just staying relaxed about the whole thing and seeing where it goes. So far so good though :). Oh…this is just a quick little funny story. Bill O’reilly (of O’reilly Factor fame) comes into my store every once in a while. After one visit, awhile ago, he trashed our store on his show because we did not have his year old–crappy selling–book prominently displayed. Well…another book just came out that we very prominently display. The title? “Sweet Jesus I Hate Bill O’reilly”. They have a website too that’s pretty funny “sweetjesusihatebilloreilly.com”. Anyway, we booksellers love it. Well, I think that’s all I have! Oh, let me see if I can add a picture of the trip Rob and I took to Bushkill falls in Stroudsberg PA. It was absolutely lovely. Please don’t mind the lousy editing job.
Take care everyone!!! I miss you!

This entry was posted on Friday, May 12th, 2006 at 5:47 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “”

  • Dawn [ 13May06]

    Hi Jen! I can’t believe you’re dating Rob, that’s so crazy! I’m excited for you, he was always so nice. When did this start? I want details young lady! I miss you terribly, and hope everything is going well!

  • caitlin K [ 13May06]

    Jen that is so wonderful that you are dating Rob! I think I do remember meeting him once or twice. Those waterfalls are beautiful! and I second Dawn’s demand for details!!