My Garden

My indoor garden is growing furiously!

The zucchini and parsley are doing particularly well.

I planted two types of tomatoes, hot peppers and chives a couple weeks after the zucchini, parsley, basil, & lettuce. The tomatoes are growing already, but the others haven’t popped out of the ground yet. Eventually I’ll transplant them into the garden at our new apartment, but it’s still too cold outside. I also procured a raspberry bush and a rose plant that’s yellow with pink edges. I’m trying to decide what to do to hide an ugly fence that borders one part of the garden. I’m thinking of planting either bushy flowers (like hydrangeas), a wall of sunflowers that will grow nice and tall, some sort of pretty grass, or a couple of grape vines that I could attach directly to the fence. I’m going to put in some strawberry plants too. Yumm! I can’t wait for summer!


  1. Carrie · April 5, 2006

    Very enjoyable springtime motifa!

    I am very impressed with your vegetables and herbs! Oak and I planted some bulbs last fall which are already out in our front yard! My favorite are the purple tulips – hotness!

    I tried growing herbs last year and the results were not very fruitful, however, I am very bad at remembering to water the thirsty babies when it hits 90+ degrees here every day in the summer. Here are my results.. Hopefully better luck this year!


  2. Shira · April 6, 2006

    Thank you! Your purple tulips sound extremely hot. My sage plant is already three quarters dead, so I may have to buy another one. I enjoy your colorful hanging planters!!

  3. Carrie · April 6, 2006

    I feel sage plants are impossible to keep alive. My coworker Julia, who regularly “saves” the pathetic looking plants in the store from sudden death, confirmed this fact. That was the first of my plants to go. But, we never really put sage into our food anyway so it wasn’t too much of a loss. I really would love to grow basil for eating with fresh tomatoes and to make truckloads of pesto!

    I just looked outside.. it appears that my chives and rosemary survived the winter! I don’t know how that happened, considering I gave them absolutely no love at all!

    Maybe we need to make queen motifas into a gardening site. LOL 🙂

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