Danger: Tinted Windows

flowers.jpgThe funnniest thing happened to me as I was leaving work this morning (at 5:30 AM). Part of my pilgrimage from restaurant to shuttle bus involves walking down this long fancy hall. (I say fancy because there are ancient-Italian-looking gas light fixtures, marble columns, famous works of art, classical mood music and security guards–it has a fancy aura about it). Anyways, one side of this long hallway is lined with tinted windows. I realized this morning that I have never really looked out these windows. (I’m convinced these windows are here to enforce the Las Vegas Time Zone; read: there is no time/it doesn’t matter what time it is, so you should continue to party and commit sinful acts indefinitely). Feeling curious, I decided to take a peek.

I walked over, chugging down water in a vain attempt to rehydrate after eight hours in the bakeshop, and CRASHED right into the window. Like, seriously crashed. Maybe it was all the flour on my eyelashes that distorted my vision, or the powdered sugar clogging my sinuses that clouded my depth perception…all I know is I snorted about a liter of water up my nose, and got thoroughly wet.

I’m sure the security guards were just waiting for me to turn the corner so they could whoop it up. (Although, I was pretty suave and waited until I got into the elevator before laughing hysterically, so maybe they didn’t notice… ). Ahem.

We have the most beautiful sunrises here in Las Vegas. The one this morning was absolutely gorgeous. I ran the quarter mile to the golf course (on the other side of our complex), and even hurdled the super swank pool to try and get a photo in time, but alas. I think you just have to see them in person. (I guess that means you all have to come visit!!! Hint, hint!)