

Thank you to the “handyman” who FINALLY came to fix my toilet yesterday (it’s been flooding from the tank for the past two weeks…). It doesn’t leak anymore, which is good, but it does make loud watery noises at random intervals. It’s great. I am thankful that my floor isn’t covered in water, but couldn’t they make it be a quiet toilet too? Apparently having a super-carpenter-fix-everything-right-the-first-time-Dad has spoiled me for life.

Speaking of toilets, I need to flush this bad attitude right down the tubes. I’ve been in a horrible mood ever since returning from Upstate NY, and frankly am quite sick of it. I’m going to go check out a new library today and take in an exhibit or two. Maybe that will cheer me up!

1 Comment

  1. Carrie · August 18, 2004

    I feel it is nice to develop deep personal relationships (ha!) with the apartment maintenance staff. Our personal favorite is Julio.

    We don’t have toilet problems, but our dishwasher and garbage disposal like to act up on occasion. Once i turned on the dishwasher and the sink overflowed! What-ever!