February, 2003


Did anyone see The Osbournes tonight? (Just happened to catch it…) Wasn’t Marilyn Manson hot? I found him to be (strangely?)
attractive this evening–black lipstick and all–even though I don’t usually go for that ________ (I don’t think Manson actually fits into a “type”) look. Anyhow, just wondering if any of you loyal readers out there find Manson alluring? Just an informal poll here. Care to share any interesting biographical tidbits?

Photo Gallery

I’m in the process of uploading ALL of the old photo galleries from Shiraterria– which none of us have seen in a while–
such forgotten excursions! My first water garden, fun trips to exotic restaurants in Troy, Queen Motifa pilgrimages to
Goodwill, a family vacation to North Carolina, and bowling in Binghamton.There are still lots more to come,
and new galleries to be created as well, but here’s a little amuse� for now. P.S. Here are a few more…Some extremely outdated pictures of The Rock, The Dickinson Community Semi-formal last year, Our last night on the town as juniors. AND THEY JUST KEEP COMING: Jen’s Birthday Party 2002, Nicole’s Amero-Japanese Birthday Celebration, Eureka! My apartment, and if you’re really hard put for something to do…my original Hypertext poem…still on the old server, pretty slow, but somewhat clever I must say. CAN YOU HANDLE MORE?!?! Rendezvous at The Rock, New Year’s Week 2003, Road Trip America.

To Her Mistress

Help me! Help me! now I call
To my pretty witchcrafts all;
Blank I am, and cannot do
That which you’re accustomed to.
Bring your magics, spells, and charms,
To relieve my tech. alarms;
Is there no way to beget
In my heart its former beat?
Ask Jeeves had, as poets feign,
Truth and intellectual reign:
Find that medicine, if you can,
For your ill-knowledged woman
Who would fain her strengths renew,
Were it but to pleasure you.

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